How to use
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Create an Account
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Do Search
Start searching for the service providor you want from our big database
Direct Contact
Contact the provider directly for easier and faster way to get what you want oriana

About us
A summary about BluFilter
Blue Filter is a Palestinian-owned company based in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The company was established based on understanding the needs of the local market in the field of irrigation water purification. It is a company specialized in agricultural water treatment. The company has developed an effective, chemical-free and environmentally friendly water purification filter to purify groundwater. of nitrates and salts. Blue Filter offers a simple and cheap solution to purify groundwater and make it suitable for agriculture by using green technology that is free of any chemical additives and is environmentally friendly. our partners links : https://www.paluniv.edu.ps/
NextOur Vision
The Very Best in Water Treatment
Our vision is to become a recognized and respected leader in the community we serve through delivering “The Very Best in Water Treatment” for our customers and environment.

Stats and Features

Ease and Smoothness

Easy Communication
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You can find the closest service providers to you and contact them
Important Tips and Info
We share important tips and information related to water
Google Maps Integration